Best Coffee In The World – Mexico | Chiapas Travel Videos – Ep. 028

Best Coffee In The World – Mexico | Chiapas Travel Videos – Ep. 028

Check out the Best Coffee In The World - Mexico | Chiapas Travel Videos - Ep. 028 here.


If you’re a coffee lover, then Mexico should definitely be on your list of must-visit destinations. Known for its rich coffee culture and high-quality beans, Mexico offers a coffee experience unlike any other. In this article, we’ll take you on a journey through the coffee scene in Chiapas, Mexico, and introduce you to some of the best coffee shops and brewing methods in the region. Get ready to explore the world of Mexican coffee and discover why it’s considered some of the best in the world.

Casa Cafeologo: A Coffee Culture Experience in San Cristobal

Located in the heart of San Cristobal, Casa Cafeologo is a coffee shop that embodies the true essence of the coffee culture in Mexico. As soon as you step foot in the shop, you’ll be greeted by the enticing aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans. The friendly staff at Casa Cafeologo are passionate about their craft and are always eager to share their knowledge and love for coffee with visitors.

At Casa Cafeologo, the focus is on quality. They source their beans directly from local farmers in Chiapas, ensuring that only the best beans make it into their roastery. The beans are then carefully roasted in small batches, allowing for maximum flavor development. The result is a cup of coffee that is rich, smooth, and full of character.

One of the highlights of Casa Cafeologo is their dedication to showcasing the different varieties of coffee beans that Mexico has to offer. From the smooth and chocolatey notes of the Arabica beans to the bold and robust flavors of the Robusta beans, you’ll be able to taste the diversity of Mexican coffee in every sip.

If you’re looking to try something truly exceptional, make sure to ask about Casa Cafeologo’s award-winning coffees. These unique blends have been recognized for their outstanding quality and are a testament to the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into every cup of coffee at Casa Cafeologo.

Carajillo Coffee: Another Must-Try Coffee in San Cristobal

When it comes to unique and flavorful coffee experiences, Carajillo Coffee is a must-visit in San Cristobal. This cozy coffee shop offers a twist on traditional coffee by infusing it with a variety of spirits. The result is a bold and aromatic cup of coffee that is sure to awaken your senses.

One of the signature drinks at Carajillo Coffee is, of course, the Carajillo. Made with a shot of espresso and a generous pour of liquor, this coffee cocktail is the perfect way to start your day or indulge in a mid-afternoon pick-me-up. The combination of the rich coffee flavors and the unique taste of the spirits creates a harmonious blend that is both comforting and invigorating.

In addition to their famous Carajillo, Carajillo Coffee also offers a variety of other drinks for you to explore. From classic espresso-based beverages to innovative creations, there’s something for everyone at this charming coffee shop. So take a seat, relax, and let the talented baristas at Carajillo Coffee guide you through a world of exciting coffee flavors.

Café de Olla: The Mexican Way of Making Coffee

If you want to experience coffee the way the locals do, then Café de Olla is a must-try. This traditional Mexican coffee is brewed using a clay pot, which gives it a distinct flavor and aroma. The brewing process involves simmering the coffee with cinnamon and piloncillo, a type of unrefined cane sugar. The result is a rich and flavorful cup of coffee that is deeply rooted in Mexican culture.

Café de Olla is not just about the taste, it’s also about the experience. The clay pot used for brewing adds a rustic charm to the process, and watching the coffee simmer and infuse with the cinnamon and piloncillo is a mesmerizing sight. The aromas that fill the air as the coffee brews create a warm and inviting atmosphere, making Café de Olla the perfect drink to enjoy on a chilly morning or after a long day of exploring.

To fully appreciate the flavors of Café de Olla, it’s best to drink it without any additives. The simplicity of this traditional coffee allows the natural sweetness of the piloncillo and the warmth of the cinnamon to shine through. So next time you’re in Mexico, make sure to try this unique and delightful brew.

Frontera: One of the Best Coffee Shops in San Cristobal

When it comes to finding the best coffee in San Cristobal, Frontera is a name that often comes up. This popular coffee shop is known for its wide selection of high-quality beans and its dedication to providing an exceptional coffee experience.

At Frontera, you’ll find a range of coffee beans from different regions of Mexico, each with its own unique flavor profile. Whether you prefer a light and fruity coffee or a bold and full-bodied one, Frontera has something to suit every taste. Their knowledgeable baristas are always happy to help you explore the different flavors and guide you in choosing the perfect coffee for your palate.

In addition to their impressive selection of beans, Frontera also offers a variety of brewing methods. From pour-over to espresso, you can choose your preferred brewing method and watch as the skilled baristas work their magic. The attention to detail and precision in brewing at Frontera ensure that every cup of coffee is a work of art.

Aside from their exceptional coffee, Frontera also offers a cozy and inviting atmosphere where you can sit back, relax, and savor your drink. Whether you’re looking for a quiet place to read or a vibrant space to meet friends, Frontera has you covered.

Different Types of Coffee Beans

When it comes to coffee, the type of beans used plays a crucial role in determining the flavor and aroma of the final cup. In Mexico, you’ll find two main types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta.

Arabica beans are known for their smooth and nuanced flavors. They are often described as having notes of chocolate, caramel, and fruit. Arabica beans have a lower caffeine content compared to Robusta beans, making them a popular choice for those who prefer a milder and less intense coffee experience.

On the other hand, Robusta beans are known for their bold and robust flavors. They have a higher caffeine content compared to Arabica beans and are often described as having a stronger and more bitter taste. Robusta beans are commonly used in espresso blends to add body and depth to the final cup.

In addition to Arabica and Robusta, Mexico is also home to some unique varieties of coffee beans. One example is the Maragogipe bean, also known as the “elephant bean” due to its large size. This bean produces a coffee with a rich and complex flavor profile, making it highly sought after by coffee enthusiasts.

The choice of coffee beans is a matter of personal preference, and both Arabica and Robusta beans have their own merits. So whether you prefer the subtle nuances of Arabica or the bold flavors of Robusta, there’s a Mexican coffee bean out there that will satisfy your taste buds.

Different Methods of Brewing Coffee

Just as the type of beans used affects the taste of coffee, so does the brewing method. In Mexico, you’ll find a variety of brewing methods, each designed to bring out the best in the beans and create a unique coffee experience.

One popular brewing method is the French Press. This method involves steeping coffee grounds in hot water and then pressing them down with a plunger to separate the brewed coffee from the grounds. The result is a bold and full-bodied cup of coffee that showcases the natural flavors of the beans.

Another popular method is the Kalita Wave. This pour-over method utilizes a unique wave-shaped filter that promotes an even extraction of the coffee grounds. The slow and controlled pouring process allows the flavors to develop gradually, resulting in a smooth and balanced cup of coffee.

In addition to these brewing methods, there are also traditional Mexican techniques that are worth exploring. One example is the “café de olla” method mentioned earlier, which involves brewing coffee in a clay pot with cinnamon and piloncillo. This method produces a coffee that is rich, flavorful, and deeply rooted in Mexican culture.

Exploring different brewing methods allows you to discover new flavors and experiences with your coffee. Whether you prefer a bold and full-bodied cup or a smooth and delicate one, there’s a brewing method out there that will suit your preferences.

The Importance of Quality in Coffee

When it comes to coffee, quality is everything. From the moment the beans are harvested to the final brewing process, every step along the way affects the taste and aroma of the coffee. That’s why it’s essential to prioritize quality at every stage of the coffee production process.

To ensure the highest quality, it all starts with the coffee plants themselves. The genetics of the plants play a crucial role in determining the flavor profile of the beans. That’s why many coffee producers in Mexico focus on cultivating high-quality varieties of Arabica and Robusta beans that are specifically suited for their region’s climate and soil conditions.

Once the coffee cherries are ripe, they are carefully handpicked to ensure only the best ones make it into the final product. This meticulous harvesting process prevents the inclusion of any underripe or overripe cherries, resulting in a more consistent flavor and quality.

After harvesting, the coffee cherries are processed to remove the outer layers and reveal the beans within. There are two main methods of processing coffee: the washed method and the natural method. Both methods have their own distinct flavors and characteristics, and the choice between the two can greatly affect the final cup of coffee.

In addition to the processing method, the way the coffee beans are roasted also plays a significant role in determining the quality of the coffee. Proper roasting brings out the unique flavors and aromas of the beans while maintaining their natural sweetness and acidity. It’s a delicate balance that requires skill and expertise to achieve consistently.

In the end, it all comes down to the brewing process. Even the highest quality beans can result in a mediocre cup of coffee if they’re not brewed properly. That’s why it’s crucial to use the right water temperature, the correct grind size, and the appropriate brewing time to bring out the best in the beans.

By prioritizing quality at every step of the coffee production process, coffee producers can ensure that every cup of coffee they serve is a true representation of their craftsmanship and dedication. And as a coffee lover, you’ll be able to taste the difference that quality makes in every sip.

Discover more about the Best Coffee In The World - Mexico | Chiapas Travel Videos - Ep. 028.

Top Coffee Producing States in Mexico

When it comes to coffee production in Mexico, there are several states that stand out for their high-quality beans. These states are known for their favorable climate and soil conditions, which create the perfect environment for coffee cultivation. Here are some of the top coffee-producing states in Mexico:

  1. Chiapas: Located in southern Mexico, Chiapas is the largest coffee-producing state in the country. The region’s mountainous terrain and tropical climate provide ideal conditions for growing coffee. Chiapas is known for its high-quality Arabica beans, which are grown at elevations between 800 and 1,200 meters above sea level.
  2. Veracruz: Veracruz is another major coffee-producing state in Mexico. The region’s diverse microclimates allow for the cultivation of a wide range of coffee varieties. Veracruz is known for its balanced and flavorful Arabica beans, which are grown in altitudes ranging from 600 to 1,200 meters above sea level.
  3. Oaxaca: Oaxaca is renowned for its organic coffee production. The region’s fertile soil and high elevation contribute to the unique flavor profiles of Oaxacan coffee. Oaxaca is known for its smooth and chocolatey Arabica beans, which are grown at altitudes between 800 and 1,800 meters above sea level.
  4. Puebla: Puebla is located in the central-eastern part of Mexico and is known for its high-quality Arabica beans. The region’s volcanic soil and moderate climate create the perfect conditions for coffee cultivation. Puebla’s coffee is known for its bright acidity and complex flavor profiles.

These are just a few examples of the many regions in Mexico that contribute to the country’s thriving coffee industry. Each region has its own unique characteristics that are reflected in the flavor and aroma of the coffee it produces. Exploring the different coffee-producing states in Mexico allows you to discover the diversity and richness of Mexican coffee.


In conclusion, Mexico is a coffee lover’s paradise. From the coffee shops of San Cristobal to the rich flavors of Café de Olla, there’s no shortage of coffee experiences to be had in this vibrant country. Whether you prefer a cup of bold and robust coffee or a smooth and delicate brew, Mexico has something to satisfy every palate.

The dedication to quality and craftsmanship that goes into every cup of Mexican coffee is evident in the rich flavors and aromas that fill your senses. From the moment the beans are harvested to the final brewing process, every step along the way is carefully executed to ensure the highest quality.

So next time you’re craving a true coffee experience, consider exploring the world of Mexican coffee. Whether you’re sipping on a perfectly brewed cup of Café de Olla or indulging in the unique flavors of a Carajillo, you’ll be immersing yourself in a coffee culture that is as diverse as it is delicious.

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